International Conference

Prasetyo H.N., Wikusna Wawa, Adli Ahmad, Tridalestari Ferra Arik.(2021). The Relationship between the E-Readiness and  Maturity Level of ICT in the DISKOMINFO of  Majalengka District. in 2021 IEEE ICACSIC University of Indonesia.

Budiraharjo, R., Prasetyo, H. N., Sarno, R., & Sungkono, K. R. (2021, April). Optimizing Process Discovery Quality Criteria and Model Measurements using Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis and Infrequent Inductive Miner. In 2021 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (APWiMob) (pp. 45-51). IEEE.

Prasetyo, H. N., Sarno, R., Budiraharjo, R., & Sungkono, K. R. (2021, April). The Effect of Duration Heteroscedasticity to the Bottleneck in Business Process Discovered by Inductive Miner Algorithm. In 2021 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (APWiMob) (pp. 52-58). IEEE

Prasetyo, H. N. (2019) Building A Data Quality Program with DAMA International Framework in University. Proceeding International Conference of Islam, Science, and Technology(ICONISTECH) 2019

Prasetyo, H. N., Djepapu, R. N., Tridalestari, F. A., & Hariman, I. (2018). Development of project document management system based on data governance with DAMA International framework. In Proceedings 2018 International Conference on Industrial Enterprise and System Engineering (pp. 109-114).

Prasetyo Hanung N., Widjayanto Pikir Wisnu (2012). Developing and Managing ICT Human Resources at Telkom Polytechnic, Proceeding Internasional Conference on ICT for Innovative Society (ICIIS) November Bandung Indonesia.